Our Current Prayer Letter
Dear Pastors and praying friends,
We want to thank you for the cards, notes, gifts and support. The last couple of months have passed by quickly with the holidays.
My (next door neighbor) uncle Issad passed away suddenly the 7th of January. He was 86 years old. He was the one who got in a bad wreck in November 2010 and was recovering from it. He died on the 7th and his funeral was the 11th. He was a non-practicing muslim and had a catholic funeral. I had witnessed to him several times over the years and he never accepted Christ. Please keep the Issad family in your prayers for salvation.
My health is doing better. I discovered that because of the high fevers (back in November), I have developed an irregular heartbeat. I went to a cardiologist and she put me on blood thinners. She told me this could be treated with medication. I have done a 24 hour holter monitor and will go in the hospital for one day of heart tests (??date). I know someone who can heal this problem without medication......God.
We are still getting out tracts and going door to door. We know God has us in this town for a reason. Diane was in the grocery store yesterday and overheard a conversation of a group of ladies. It took her a few minutes before she realized they were speaking English (from Ireland). She spoke to them and they asked the question "What are you doing here in France?" What a wonderful opportunity to give the plan of salvation.
Please keep France, Europe and the World in your prayers for salvation.
Your Missionaries working in the field of France,
John and Diane VanMeris